Discover the locations where you can find Gnarly Barley.

Distribution MaPS
Gnarly Barley brews are available throughout Louisiana and Mississippi. Check out the highlighted areas on our distribution map to see where you can find our craft beers near you. Whether you're looking for your favorite local bar or stocking up at a retailer, we've got you covered!
Distributor Key
Champagne Beverage
Eagle Distributing
Marsala Beverage
Mitchell Distributing
Mockler Beverage
Schilling Distributing
Southern Eagle
Southwest Distributors

Champagne Beverage
Madisonville, LA
Eagle Distributing
Shreveport, LA

Marsala Beverage
Northeastern Louisiana

Mockler Beverage
Baton Rouge, Houma, Lake Charles, Alexandria, and Leesville, LA

Schilling Distributing
Lafayette, LA

Southern Eagle
New Orleans, LA

Mitchell Distributing
Meridian, Leland, Shannon, and Gulfport, MS

Southwest Distributors
Natchez, MS and Summit, MS

How We Craft
Our Brews
At Gnarly Barley, we take pride in our meticulous brewing process. From selecting the finest ingredients to perfecting each step of brewing, we ensure every batch of beer meets our high standards. Our dedication to quality and flavor shines through in every sip.